Buy Hits | other | Dice pool / 4 rounded down, no edge possible | false | core | 2024-04-13T22:00:48.874Z |
Try again | other | Non Combat actions only
Try again if possible, a malus of an additional -2 gets applied every try
The malus goes away after a "significant time" | false | core | 2024-04-13T22:11:09.963Z |
Number of Actions | combat | Every Character has 1 Minor and 1 Major action
and gets 1 additional Minor action per Initiative Die they have.
1 Major action can be used as a Minor action
and 4 Minor actions can be used as a Major action | false | core | 2024-04-14T02:03:23.716Z |
Gaining Edge | edge | No Player may gain more than 2 Edge per Round.
Edge can be gained in an Encounter.
Edge can be gained on actions in comparison for example Attack rating vs Defense rating on the Attack action.
Social Encounters are gained based on Attitude, Bearing or social force.
In addition to mechanics good gameplay, funny insightful, awesome or brilliant moves should be rewarded with Edge.
Edge limit is 7, out of Confrontations the character attribute
Edge can not be an expected reward, and should never be given when asked. | false | core | 2024-04-14T02:13:26.209Z |
Burn Edge | edge | Sometimes you need to use Edge in an act of
total desperation, a last-ditch measure to stay
alive. These uses are so extreme that you perma-
nently lose 1 point of Edge rank (even taking it
down to zero if you so choose). You also spend all
accumulated Edge. Spent Edge can be re-earned,
and burned Edge can eventually be bought back
with Karma (the currency for character advance-
ment). Edge can be burned even at times when
Edge normally cannot be spent.
Here are the uses of burning Edge:
Smackdown: Sometimes you want—or desper-
ately need—the blow you’re taking to definitely
hit, and hit hard. Smackdown counts as an auto-
matic success on whatever test you were about to
make, with four net hits to boot. This has to be
a test the character is capable of performing—it
cannot, for example, be a spellcasting test for a
non-Awakened character, or a skill test involving
a skill that the character does not have and that
cannot be used untrained.
Not Dead Yet: Just when it looks like you’re
about to shuffle off this mortal coil, you make a
move that buys you a little bit more life. Maybe it’s
the oddly cushioned awning that saves you during
a free-fall, or the implanted cyberdeck in your head
that happens to deflect a bullet just enough to keep
you alive, but something that would be about to kill
you instead allows you to live. Use Not Dead Yet
when death is imminent for the character; burning
the point of Edge allows you to survive the killing
blow, though it does not necessarily remove you
from the situation that put your life in danger in the
first place (if, say, you were wearing cement shoes at
the bottom of the Puget Sound, burning Edge might
allow you to find an old, discarded scuba tank, but
it won’t automatically get you out from under wa-
ter). Used judiciously, Not Dead Yet can give you a
chance to stay alive. Used unwisely, and it’s just one
more bit of flailing before your character goes to
that big dark alley in the sky. | false | core | 2024-04-14T02:28:51.391Z |
Wild Die | other | In the description of certain gear, spells, and
qualities you’ll find a reference to the wild die. This
little wonder can make or break a move. When a
wild die is in play, use a different color or easily identifiable die to track the result. The die adds
into the pool directly and a hit with the wild die
(5 or 6) counts as 3 hits instead of just 1. On the
downside, a 1 cancels all the 5s rolled. A 2, 3, or 4
on the wild die means nothing.
If Edge is being used and 6s explode, a 6 on the
wild die counts as 3 hits and can then be rerolled.
Any additional hits, rolled 1s, or re-rolls are count-
ed as a regular die, not a wild die. | false | core | 2024-04-14T02:30:43.999Z |
Weapon Skill | combat | Appropriate weapon skill is best suited for the attack they described, be it
- punch, kick, knife, sword, axe, broken bottle,
lead pipe, candlestick (Close Combat);
- pistol, rifle, shotgun, sniper rifle, zip gun (Firearms);
- blowgun, laser pistol, ray gun, grenade launcher,
- missile launcher (Exotic Weapon); or a thrown
knife, shuriken, or hand grenade (Athletics);
- vehicle-mounted weapon (Engineering).
Though that last one goes with Logic, not Agility (the better to calculate all the angles and geometry that comes from firing from a vehicle). | false | core | 2024-05-04T18:15:47.665Z |