Avoid Incoming | A character can use this action when it is not
their player turn to get away from an incoming
Blast or Gas attack. With this action, a character
makes a Reaction + Athletics – Dodge Penalty roll
(see Dodge Penalty table, p. 311, for these values).
Hits on the test allow a character to move a num
ber of meters equal to their hits in a direction of
their choosing, but they shouldn’t know the results
of the scatter until after they decide which way
they’re headed. If they choose to move more than
2 meters, they dive to the ground at the end of their
defense and gain the Prone status. This action can
not be used if the character has taken a previous
Avoid Incoming, Move, or Sprint action this com
bat round and prevents the use of another Avoid
Incoming, Move, or Sprint action for the remainder
of the combat round. | reflex | athletics | minor | false | core | 2024-11-25T21:13:12.432Z |