Add 3 to your Initiative Score | 1 | This one kicks
in before combat even starts. You can choose
to spend one point of Edge to increase your
Initiative Score by 3. It can also be used
during the fight if you want to move up in
the order on the next Initiative Cycle. | core | 2024-08-23T16:56:14.187Z |
Use an Edge Action | 1 | You can choose to use
one of the 1-Edge Actions described in the
Edge Action section. | core | 2024-08-23T16:56:29.116Z |
+1 to a single die roll | 2 | You get to add 1 to a
single die. Maybe that’s making a 4 a 5 to get
another hit, or making 1 a 2 to avoid a glitch. | core | 2024-08-23T16:56:49.795Z |
Give ally 1 Edge | 2 | You do something that
offers an advantage for another member
of your team. Take away two of your own
Edge, and give one to a teammate. | core | 2024-08-23T16:57:04.982Z |
Negate 1 Edge of a foe | 2 | No sense in letting the
bad guys get the best of you if you don’t need
to. You spend two of your own Edge, but one
vanishes from the opponent of your choice. | core | 2024-08-23T16:57:26.148Z |
Use an Edge Action | 2 | You can choose to use
one of the 2-Edge Actions described in the
Edge Action section | core | 2024-08-23T16:57:43.688Z |
Buy one automatic hit | 3 | You get an automatic
hit. This one adds on to the total hits you
roll. This isn’t an automatic success at what-
ever test you’re attempting, just another hit
to add to your total. | core | 2024-08-23T16:58:08.988Z |
Reroll one die | 1 | Pick any die and reroll it. It
can be yours or your opponent’s, but the re-
sult stands no matter what you roll. This is
done after all rolls have been made. | core | 2024-08-23T16:55:56.413Z |
Heal one box of Stun damage | 3 | You catch a
second wind and clear a box from your Stun
Condition Monitor. | core | 2024-08-23T16:58:24.497Z |
Add Edge to your dice pool | 4 | Add your Edge
as a dice pool bonus to your roll, and make
6s explode. “Exploding” means that 6s count
as a hit and can be rerolled in an attempt to
get an additional hit. If another hit is scored,
tack it on; if another 6 is rolled, tack on a hit
and roll it again. Keep the hits coming! If a 1
is rolled after a 6, it does not count toward
your total for calculating glitches. | core | 2024-08-23T16:58:42.480Z |
Heal 1 point of Physical damage | 4 | You take
off a single box of damage from your Phys-
ical Condition Monitor—your advantage
over your opponents means they didn’t hit
you quite as hard as they first thought. | core | 2024-08-23T16:58:56.911Z |
Reroll all failed dice | 4 | Pretty much what it
says—after a roll is made, you can reroll all
failed dice. This Edge Boost cannot be used
if a glitch or critical glitch is rolled. | core | 2024-08-23T16:59:15.165Z |
Use an Edge Action | 4 | You can choose to use
one of the 4-Edge Actions described in the
Edge Action section. | core | 2024-08-23T16:59:40.937Z |
Count 2s as glitches for the target | 5 | Time to
get counteroffensive! When an opponent
rolls, both 1s and 2s count in their total to
determine if they glitch or critical glitch. | core | 2024-08-23T17:00:03.688Z |
Create special effect | 5 | Bring your creativity
to the table! You spend this Edge and some-
thing fortuitous happens. It’s up to you and
your gamemaster to determine what it is, but
it should certainly turn the tides slightly in
your favor. Burst pipes, approaching sirens,
incoming DocWagon, an angry spirit, some-
thing that adds a little more oomph to your
side or puts a little stress on the enemy. | core | 2024-08-23T17:00:21.981Z |
Use an Edge Action | 5 | You can choose to use
one of the 5-Edge Actions described in the
Edge Action section. | core | 2024-08-23T17:00:43.056Z |