For you combat is like a game of chess, and you’re several moves ahead of the opposition. When performing this Mul- tiple Attack, double your full dice pool and then split it as evenly as possible for each different target. Cost: 4 Edge also usable for ranged attacks
Big Speech4specific
(Use Skill [Influence]): A torrent of words flows from your mouth, reaching heights of eloquence and inspiration mor- tals rarely hit. Roll your Influence + Cha- risma test twice; the first time it counts as a Teamwork test, meaning you can add your hits to the dice pool for the second roll. The second roll acts as your hits for the test. Cost: 4 Edge
Bring the Drama2specific
(Use Skill [Con]): While spinning your con, you get to a part where extra drama would be appropriate, and you bring it. Maybe it’s a dramatic speech, maybe it’s some tears or sorrowful histri- onics, but whatever the case, you take ac- tion to tug at the heartstrings of the mark and bring them to your side. For a quick con, this can bring in 200 nuyen from on- lookers. When used as part of a longer-term con, you can increase your asking price by twenty percent, and the mark will agree to it. Cost: 2 Edge
Called Shot—Disarm5any_attack
Successful hit does no damage to target, but their weapon is knocked from their hands. Cost: 5 Edge.
Called Shot—Vitals5any_attack
The attack goes for the vitals, adding 3 extra damage if it hits (along with net hits, as usual). Cost: 5 Edge
Fire from Cover2ranged_attack_from_cover
(Ranged Attack, must be in Cover IV): You sneak an attack out while maintaining your cover. Attacks from cover may be made without spending a Minor Ac- tion. Cost: 2 Edge
Knockout Blow2melee_attack
You use your advantage to truly bring the hurt on an opponent. If your inflicted damage of any type is greater than the target’s Willpower, immediately fill up the Stun Condition Monitor. The target is unconscious. No damage overflows to the Physical Condition Monitor. Cost: 2 Edge
When attacking with a blade, your advantage turns into a targeted strike. Reduce the Call a Shot penalty to –2. Cost: 1 Edge
Sudden Insight1any
Perform an action in which you have no skill levels without pen- alty. This does not allow you to use skills that cannot be performed untrained. Cost: 1 Edge
Tactical Roll1specific
(Hit the Dirt): You drop to avoid incoming fire, with an agile roll that helps you make an attack as you roll. If you use a melee Attack action on the same com- bat round, you do not get the dice pool pen- alty that comes with the Prone status (p. 53) or Hit the Dirt Action (p. 41). For the next round, you do not take the –2 dice pool pen- alty from Close or Near attacks that come with the Prone status. Cost: 1 Edge
Your advantages combine to give you the chance to not just hurt your opponent but bring them to the ground. If the damage being inflicted on a target is greater than the target’s Body, they are brought down, giving them the Prone status. Cost: 1 Edge
When in melee combat, if you successfully Block an attack, you can use this action to wrest your opponent’s weapon away. Roll Close Combat + Agility, with the attacker’s Strength as the threshold. If you equal the threshold, you knock the weapon out of their hands, and it falls to the ground. If you get more hits, you take the weapon from them. If you get fewer hits, the attacker retains the weapon. Cost: 2 Edge
Through and Through9ranged_attack
(APDS, caseless, and standard ammo): In ballistics, this phrase refers to a bullet passing completely through a target, leaving both entry and exit wounds. This results in the firearm’s DV, including ammo modifica- tions, being increased by half rounded up. Edge cost: Body of the target (APDS reduces this cost by 2, minimum cost of 1).
Shotgun Choke2ranged_attack
shotgun flechette ammo: When using flechette ammo in a shotgun and fir- ing at targets at Close or Near range, you may widen the choke to perform a BF wide burst (p. 109, SR6) that only consumes one shell, even if the shotgun lacks the BF firing mode. Edge cost: 2 (1 for smartguns)
Silent Takedown1melee_attack
(Melee attack): A staple of covert action is the silent takedown where the protagonist sneaks up behind a nameless sentry and eliminates them with a deft attack, typically by snapping their neck. To perform a Silent Take- down, make a Simple test using the weapon’s rele- vant Skill + Agility with a threshold of 4. If success- ful, the target’s condition monitor is completely filled. This Edge action can only target grunts (p. 203, SR6) who are within melee reach and are not aware of the attacker’s presence at all; simply be- ing invisible or hidden from view does not neces- sarily permit a Silent Takedown. Edge cost equals Professional Rating, minimum of 1.
It’s A Dud!5specific
(blast attack): Whether via manu- facturing defect, a mechanical malfunction, or the supernatural intervention by unknown forces, a blast weapon such as a grenade or rocket simply fails to detonate after it is delivered. This Edge boost must be spent immediately after scatter is resolved. The blast effect is canceled. Edge cost: 5